Sunday, 6 October 2013

Very Funny "What does the Fox Say?" Text Message

Hey there!
For any of you guys who have read my September Favourites you may recall What Does The Fox Say? as being my favourite youtube video for the month. 

The other day, one of my very good friends texted me this message and I couldn't just not share it with you guys. 

Shoutout to Leigh for sending me this! 

She basically just sent me the first part of the song using several different emoticons and I can't get over how great this is. Like it is beautiful.

If you have no clue what I'm talking about, I strongly suggest you go look up on Youtube, Ylvis - The Fox (What does the Fox say?) 
It will be the best 3 minutes and 45 seconds of your life. 

And if you are just as obsessed with this song as you are with shirtless boys, I highly suggest you go look up the Abercrombie & Fitch version on Youtube, it won't disappoint.

Let me know what you think about The Fox! 


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