Sunday, 14 April 2013

Ten Things About Myself

Hey there! Welcome to my very first blog post :) Since this will be my first post ever, I thought it would make sense for you guys to get to know me a little bit. So I decided I'd tell ten things about myself.

10. If I could only drink one drink for the rest of my life I would choose chocolate milk.

 9. My favourite colour is a pink coraly colour.

8. I prefer and type of weather that isn't cold but unfortunately I live in Canada...

7. I share a room with my older sister so I am forced to sleep on the top bunk.

6. I spend way too much time on YouTube.

5. I will have braces on my teeth until June of 2015

4. For all those who haven't guessed, I am a girl.

3. When I put my mind to something, I will achieve it.

2. I have 2 pets. One cat named kitty and a dog named Ella.

1. I chose to call myself Corella on this blog not because of my dog and my favourite colour combined but because of Zoella. Zoella is basically the person I fan girl the most over the Internet and I hope to follow in her footsteps of becoming a blogger and someday a youtuber as well.

So now you all know a little bit about more about me and I'd love to hear about you guys as well :)
Talk to ya'll later :)


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