Sunday, 23 June 2013

Thoughts on The Bachelorette Episode 4

Hey there! How have ya been? Due to the fact that I'm a blogger without set days of when I blog, I'm kinda rebellious. Some days I like to do Bachelorette Posts right on the Monday but other times I like to do them on Sunday, like today. Lets just say I can't be tamed. 

The episode started with everyone going to Atlantic City. I think this was a well needed move for the men.

Brad's date began quite well in my opinion. The sand castle was quite cool as well. But by the end the dinner conversation was just bad. So goodbye Brad, have fun with Maddix!

The group date was just comedic perfection. Having a Mr. America pageant was a fantastic. The interview questions were a good combination of funny and strange. But the talents were just down right hilarious. I loved Kasey's tap dancing, he showed great commitment. I couldn't stop laughing when Brook's smashed the ukulele on stage, props for that. Zak W. has such a sweet song which was cute. The swimsuit competition as whole was just a great part of the pageant. Overall it was a great date and a even greater pageant. Des really got to see new sides of the men. But congratulations to Kasey for winning the whole pageant! And shout out to Zak W. for getting the rose!

James was quite funny at the house by himself. I thought James was the perfect guy to take on this date. It's always exciting and romantic going on a helicopter. I felt so bad about what Manny and Jan had to go through. I thought it was incredibly selfless of Des to give up the date for Manny and Jan. They had so much fun and it was so amazing when Jan and Manny got their photo album restored. It so crazy how they are still together after facing all these challenges, they must really love each other. Hurricane Sandy sucks.

Des looked stunning in that black, sparkly dress as always at the rose ceremony. I wish Brydon would've been able to stay longer. Zack K. I don't remember you too well, so I am okay with you going home. I really hope Des doesn't end up with Ben. Although he does keep the show juicy!

Looking forward to watching them in Germany tomorrow!

Let me know what you think of the episode! I'd love to hear it!



Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Well I have a Science Exam Tomorrow..

Hey there! What have you been up to? 
If I have any constant readers out there, I'd like to let you know that the bachelorette post is coming. I'm just too lazy to write it.. Maybe it will be there tomorrow maybe it won't. 

Anyways, I have a science exam tomorrow. I should be sleeping and resting but I'm not. I'm rebellious.  There are four units in this exam. They are chemistry, biology, physics and weather. I am personally not a big fan of chemistry, I'm just not good with the whole periodic table of elements. But I will admit that every time I see the compound CuF I laugh a little. I don't mind Biology. I've gone over it so any times it's just like common sense to me. Physic, is alright. I'm good at the whole math part but otherwise I'm not too good. Weather is what I know the least of. We hardly went over it in class. So I'm not too sure how I'll do.

In this exam, I will be proud and satisfied with a 80%. An eighty is what I'm aiming for on this exam. If I were to get a 90% or higher, I would do a happy dance and be smiling from ear to ear all day. I'd be quite happy. If I were to get in the 70%'s I would be okay with that but I would be a little sad. If I were to get anything below 70% I'd probably cry, no joke. I feel it's important to do my best in everything whether I succeed or not. I at least want to say I gave it my all.

I have a couple follow up posts about the exam soon! 

This was a pointless blog, but that's okay because pointless blogs are what I have the most fun making! If you enjoyed this blog let me know! Or tell be about your exams! Or tell me something you want me to blog about! I love hearing what you guys have to say!

On a completely different note, do you have a blog? I would love to check it out! I'm always looking for new blogs to read!

Thank you for reading my blog!



Friday, 14 June 2013

Should I read the Harry Potter Books?

Hey guys! How have you need? Read any good books lately?

Today was my last day of Grade 10. So that means its now summer. Now that it's summer I don't know what I should do with myself. This got me thinking that I should read a book series to waste some time. The first series that came to mind was the Harry Potter books. I actually don't know the first thing about Harry Potter. I know he is like a magical person of some sorts, like he may or may not be a wizard. I know there's something about Hogwarts in the books, that's it. This whole series will be a surprise to me. But all you Harry Potter fans probably think I'm stupid as you read this but that's okay!

I'm looking forward to eventually reading these book. As I read the books I plan on blogging about them. Then as I look back on this post, I will release how clueless I am.

Anyways, I would love to hear what you think about the whole Harry Potter series! Whether or not I should read them? Or whether I should just read an entirely different series.
Let me know!



Monday, 10 June 2013

Thoughts on The Bachelorette Episode 3

Hey you! Anything new that you're up to? Guess what? As you can probably tell, I'm writing about The Bachelorette the day it aired. This feels weird to be up to date.

Des had her first date of the episode as a group date. This date was especially fun to watch because it was a bunch if men playing dodgeball. I thought this was a very good date to see how competitive the men could get. Overall I'd say this was a very good date. Except for the fact the Brooks broke his finger, but he handled it like a champ.

On a completely different note, Bryan is stupid. So stupid. I can't believe he came on the show with a girlfriend. I hate him. But I'm glad they figured this out before Des could fall in love with him. I think that Des handled the whole situation very well with class. 

When Des was on the one on one, I didn't find the guy that memorable. Hence why I don't remember his name. I thought the whole date was very well planned. The dancing on the side of the building looked very cool yet romantic. This is just my opinion but maybe the poor weather conditions was a sign? Maybe these two aren't meant for each other. But for all you believers out there maybe this just proves that the situation they are in doesn't have to be perfect to enjoy each others company.

The next group date was very funny to watch. I thought the men were very cute all dressed up like cowboys. This date was very original and shout out to Des for pushing that stunt guy off the building,

 I also liked how there was a pool party instead of a cocktail party. I feel like this allows Des to get to know the men when they are more comfortable. Plus I know I enjoy seeing a pool full of handsome shirtless people of the male species.

My only wish for Des is to send Ben home and keep Brandon. I think that Brandon was really falling for Des and that they could be really good together. Ben on the other hand, I am no longer his biggest fan. If all the other men see something wrong with him, there is most likely something wrong.

This was all just my opinion on the episode, I'd love to hear yours! Especially your viewpoint on Ben, I can't quite decide with him.

Thanks for reading and keep coming back!



Sunday, 9 June 2013

Yesterday's Pizza

Hey everyone! What have you been up to? Make any good food lately?
Well yesterday, I made some really good pizza. (I cheated and made it from a box)
As you can see above, it looked just as good as it tasted. It was delicious. I wish I could eat some more of it. Sadly, I made this pizza yesterday. So yesterday I ate it and unfortunately so did the rest of my family. Right now I am quite sad about it. 

This was probably the most pointless blogs I have ever written but that's okay. I just want all of you readers to understand to never let beautiful foods like this go unattended. They could be gone sooner than you know it. 

Do you have any pictures of delicious foods? I'd love to see them.
I actually would though. I really need to be distracted from this pizza.

Anyways, thanks for reading!
I hope you have a great day full of food.



Saturday, 8 June 2013

DEMI Album Review

Hey guys! What have you guys been up to? Lately, I've been listening to Demi's album nonstop. DEMI is such a great album and I feel like I will never get tired of it. For this review, I am going to give my thoughts about each song on the album. Let me know what you think!


Heart attack- This song really set the bar for the entire album. it was the first single released off the album and it deserves the attention it is getting.  I love that it is such  a "dancy"song that has meaningful lyrics. 
Made In the USA- This song  has a dare I say country feel to it? I find my self bursting out MADE IN THE U S AAA constantly and I'm Canadian. Demi spreads her patriotic love through countries, this is real talent. "When I'm cold you're there like a sweater"
Without the love- I'm sorry but I have to say this, this song could definitely be about joe.(and there's nothing wrong with that) I like how it's a revenge side but its not completely clarified. She keeps it classy, I would hate to be this guy. But I absolutely love this song
Neon lights- To be honest guys, I wasn't feeling this song the first time I listened to it, but I grew to love it. So cute. I would love to hear demi strip down the song and do like an avoustic version. I think it would bring the song to a whole mew level. (That's just me)
Two pieces- I want this song to be on the radio, like its the ultimate meaningful jam. It starts out the slow beautiful part then cleverly goes into that classic demi rock part. It's genius, love the lyrics.  I can picture myself jamming now. How sweet would this be if someone did a duet to this?
Nightingale-I don't really know exactly what a nightingale is but all I know is that I want to be Demi's nightingale. This is so inspirational, it gives me a reassuring feeling if that makes sence. Makes you feel like if someones gone they are still with you
In case- This song that I relate to the most right now. I really connect to it and I can feel her emotion. By the way Refridegrator and later is some skilled rhyming. Overall it's just a beautiful song.
Really Don't care-Normally I wouldn't really go for a song about not caring. *glee episode review reference*  but she committed and it was good, more that good, fantastic. My favourite line was "walk right up to you and put one finger in the air"
Fire starter- Demi's fierce, this songs fierce, the whole album freakin fierce. What does s under my chest mean, superwoman? Sexy? Anyways I love the way how I feel the need I burst into this song ever time I'm at a campfire.
Something That We're Not- Catchiness song on the album, hands down. Love it. Bana-bana- babana
Never Been Hurt- I love the way she says hurt. I could listen to her say hurt all day  Similar to unbroken but different. It's a perfect connecting/follow up song. She's a committed girl, running threw fire and such.
Shouldn't come back- Whoever this song is about should not come back, he hurt demi so much. You can hear it in her voice. Side note, I enjoy the guitar part.
Warrior- this is in my opinion the most powerful song on the entire album, possibly out of all of Demi's songs. It's about something how that there was negative but she overcame it so now it's positive. It can reall be fit into any situation that you choose, it isn't just about one thing.And I really like the beginning, it captures you in. It's truely inspirational. She is a warrior.

Overall Demi's album is perfect, it has everything you want in an album. Just the right combination amount of catchy pop songs and powerful inspiring songs. Demi can honestly sing what ever genre of music you throw at her while still being true to herself!

I'd love to here your thoughts in the album too!
Any constructive criticism or helpful suggestions are totally welcome. 
I will also take requests for future blog posts, so let me know what you want to see next! 

Thanks for reading!



Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Thoughts on the Bachelorette Episode 2

Hey everyone! How'd you guys like the episode? I never got a chance to watch it last night but I did record it, so I'm just watching it as I type.

Congratulations to Brooks for getting the first date from Desiree. I am enjoying Des's blue car quite a lot. On another note, it seems to me that Ben is a little jealous of this date. Unless I am mistaken, last episode I predicted he was the nice guy. Now I am thinking Ben is a bad boy.

I'm liking how Des took him to the bridal store. It was a cute green tux, very leprechaun like. I'm starting to see the sparks fly between Brooks and Des. Especially because I can see them getting married, literally. It was so romantic seeing them on the "HOLLYWOOD" sign. Now looking at Brooks in that normal tux, he looks incredibly good looking. 

Once again on a totally different note, did any of you notice that the majority of the men have brown hair and look alike? Or is it just me? I'm wondering if it was all just a coincidence or of it was planned.. What do you think?

Who ever is planning these dates, they are doing an incredible job. I thought it was funny in a good way when they went through the sketchy roads. I originally thought it was a prank, not a date. I think it's a good step in their relationship that Des got Brooks to open up and show some emotion. Those two look so happy and cute dancing together. I'm glad hearing that Brooks really liked Des and appreciated the date.

The group date got to meet a rapper?!?! I think it was quite funny watching the men dance. I'm already laughing at the video and I haven't watched it yet. I'm laughing at the fact they are making fun of past contestants. 
Zak w. is so romantic. He is definitely here for the right reasons, I hope he goes far. 
Also, I like the way how Des is responding to Ben having a child. Although, I have yet to figure out whether I love Ben or hate Ben. I have yet to figure out why the men don't like Ben. I think it's cute of Ben to respond so calmly when he was confronted.

I wonder what Brydon and Brooks really thought of the baby blue Bentley. I bet they really just wanted to drive it. She has a thing for boys who have B's as in Ben, Brydon, and Brooks. 
I like the idea of a road trip for a date. They get to make a lot of new memories in places that the rest of the men aren't and they have hours to talk to each other.  I think on this date Brydon opened up a lot to Des and hopefully he will go far with Des.

Ben I am now not impressed with you. I do not like how you interrupted the conversation about diabetes. Not cool bro, I see what the other guys see now. It's cool that you feel bad but you have a rose. 

For the Will, Robert and Nick M., I honestly forgot about you guys. Don't give up on love guy and besides you guys are incredibly good looking anyways. I think Des made the right decision not giving you guys the rose. 

What did you guys think? Who else shouldn't have gotten a rose? I'd love to hear it!
I'm definitely looking forward to watching the rest of the Bachelorette season with Des, be sure to come back and read my thoughts on next weeks episode!

Until then, I'd gladly receive any future blog suggestions from you guys and thanks for reading!



P.S. I have a DEMI album review coming up very soon!

Monday, 3 June 2013

Trying out "Blogger"

Hey you! If you are looking for a long meaningful blog post to read, this isn't the post for you!

I just downloaded the "Blogger app" for my iPad. So far I am enjoying it. I just cannot seem to figure out where the font change option is. I know how to make the font bold and slanted. I just cannot change the type of font and colour. If any of you guys know how to do this, I'd love to hear how! Or maybe I just can't change the font and colour on here.

Another thing that I have already noticed and admired about this app, is the easy access to upload a picture! While using the website to write blogs, I was never able to post pictures on a blog post from my iPad. I think being able to post pictures on my blog will really expand my creativity with blogging and quite honestly make me want to blog more. 
To celebrate my happiness I'm going repost this picture I found on Instagram. It's from instakittens of a kitten lifting. I strongly suggest you go and follow instakittens If you are as into kittens as I am.

I hope you enjoyed my extremely random post that started about Blogger that turned into about kittens  lifting. If you know anything about blogger, I'd love to hear it! Also, if you know of any cute kitten pictures, I'd love to see it! 

Thanks for reading!

