Friday, 14 June 2013

Should I read the Harry Potter Books?

Hey guys! How have you need? Read any good books lately?

Today was my last day of Grade 10. So that means its now summer. Now that it's summer I don't know what I should do with myself. This got me thinking that I should read a book series to waste some time. The first series that came to mind was the Harry Potter books. I actually don't know the first thing about Harry Potter. I know he is like a magical person of some sorts, like he may or may not be a wizard. I know there's something about Hogwarts in the books, that's it. This whole series will be a surprise to me. But all you Harry Potter fans probably think I'm stupid as you read this but that's okay!

I'm looking forward to eventually reading these book. As I read the books I plan on blogging about them. Then as I look back on this post, I will release how clueless I am.

Anyways, I would love to hear what you think about the whole Harry Potter series! Whether or not I should read them? Or whether I should just read an entirely different series.
Let me know!



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