Saturday, 8 June 2013

DEMI Album Review

Hey guys! What have you guys been up to? Lately, I've been listening to Demi's album nonstop. DEMI is such a great album and I feel like I will never get tired of it. For this review, I am going to give my thoughts about each song on the album. Let me know what you think!


Heart attack- This song really set the bar for the entire album. it was the first single released off the album and it deserves the attention it is getting.  I love that it is such  a "dancy"song that has meaningful lyrics. 
Made In the USA- This song  has a dare I say country feel to it? I find my self bursting out MADE IN THE U S AAA constantly and I'm Canadian. Demi spreads her patriotic love through countries, this is real talent. "When I'm cold you're there like a sweater"
Without the love- I'm sorry but I have to say this, this song could definitely be about joe.(and there's nothing wrong with that) I like how it's a revenge side but its not completely clarified. She keeps it classy, I would hate to be this guy. But I absolutely love this song
Neon lights- To be honest guys, I wasn't feeling this song the first time I listened to it, but I grew to love it. So cute. I would love to hear demi strip down the song and do like an avoustic version. I think it would bring the song to a whole mew level. (That's just me)
Two pieces- I want this song to be on the radio, like its the ultimate meaningful jam. It starts out the slow beautiful part then cleverly goes into that classic demi rock part. It's genius, love the lyrics.  I can picture myself jamming now. How sweet would this be if someone did a duet to this?
Nightingale-I don't really know exactly what a nightingale is but all I know is that I want to be Demi's nightingale. This is so inspirational, it gives me a reassuring feeling if that makes sence. Makes you feel like if someones gone they are still with you
In case- This song that I relate to the most right now. I really connect to it and I can feel her emotion. By the way Refridegrator and later is some skilled rhyming. Overall it's just a beautiful song.
Really Don't care-Normally I wouldn't really go for a song about not caring. *glee episode review reference*  but she committed and it was good, more that good, fantastic. My favourite line was "walk right up to you and put one finger in the air"
Fire starter- Demi's fierce, this songs fierce, the whole album freakin fierce. What does s under my chest mean, superwoman? Sexy? Anyways I love the way how I feel the need I burst into this song ever time I'm at a campfire.
Something That We're Not- Catchiness song on the album, hands down. Love it. Bana-bana- babana
Never Been Hurt- I love the way she says hurt. I could listen to her say hurt all day  Similar to unbroken but different. It's a perfect connecting/follow up song. She's a committed girl, running threw fire and such.
Shouldn't come back- Whoever this song is about should not come back, he hurt demi so much. You can hear it in her voice. Side note, I enjoy the guitar part.
Warrior- this is in my opinion the most powerful song on the entire album, possibly out of all of Demi's songs. It's about something how that there was negative but she overcame it so now it's positive. It can reall be fit into any situation that you choose, it isn't just about one thing.And I really like the beginning, it captures you in. It's truely inspirational. She is a warrior.

Overall Demi's album is perfect, it has everything you want in an album. Just the right combination amount of catchy pop songs and powerful inspiring songs. Demi can honestly sing what ever genre of music you throw at her while still being true to herself!

I'd love to here your thoughts in the album too!
Any constructive criticism or helpful suggestions are totally welcome. 
I will also take requests for future blog posts, so let me know what you want to see next! 

Thanks for reading!



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