Wednesday, 8 May 2013

"My First's" TAG

Hey everyone! How have y'all been? I just came back from the windy, yet gorgeous city of Chicago for a school music trip. Hence my lack of postings, hopefully you guys didn't mind. While I was there, I came up with plenty of new blog post ideas but I thought I'd start out with the "My First's" TAG that I found from meganheartsmakeup's YouTube channel. I'm not actually sure whether doing tags are socially-blog acceptable but I think I'll do it anyways, enjoy!

"My First's" TAG

First tweet? "Babysitting on a Tuesday night is no fun when there's no new glee.." 2011-12-20 9:15pm
First youtube video? Since I am not a youtuber (yet..) I thought I'd answer the first YouTube video I remember watching. Which is the Bad Romance cover by Megan&Liz. To this day, I still absolutely adore those girls.
First person you subscribed to on YouTube? That is a very good question.. On my old account I believe I first subscribed to Fred but on Corella, I first subscribed to Zoella.
First Facebook profile pic? Well I deleted it about a year ago but I still remember it quite fondly. It was a black and white photo of my face with my mouth smiling wide open that I edited blue. Oh, the glory days.
Do you still talk to your first love? In all honestly, I've never had a first love. But  I do have someone I thought I loved for all of grade nine, although he never did love me back. I DO STILL TALK TO HIM. I went to McDonald's today with him for lunch, along with his girlfriend and some other friends too. *Note to future self, DO NOT go after guys who are in love with another girl*
What was your first alcoholic drink? I believe the answer to this would be the wine I drank at church for my first communion.
First job? Does babysitting count? If so, then babysitting!
First person who texted you today? My friend Abbigal, confirming our lunchtime plans.
First person you thought of today? Abbigal, I was wondering about our lunchtime plans.
First grade teacher? Mrs. Gudmonsun & Ms. Balcon
First airplane ride? I don't actually remember my first airplane ride. I believe it was from Newfoundland to Toronto, possibly. 
First best friend? & do you still talk? My first best friend is Abbie, not the one I have previously mentioned before. We definitely still talk, in fact I latterly snap hatted her right before I started this post. I love her and I wouldn't be where I am today without her being my rock and keeping me grounded. She brings the real me out of myself.
First sleepover? With Abbie, of course! It was my seventh birthday and I was allowed to stay at her house for my first sleepover (that I can remember)
First thing you do I the morning? I'm not that interesting. I just go straight upstairs and make breakfast for myself.
First concert? Hilary Duff or maybe it was Hedley...
First piercing? Ears! Then belly buttons.
First roommate? My sister is currently my roomate..
One wish? To be able to express my true opinions without the fear of being judged.
First sport? Ballet, is that counts as a sport.
First thing you do who you get home? Talk to what ever family members that are waiting for me on the couch
First kiss? Lol, never had one. I'm too busy living life to the fullest on this blog. But when it does happen, I'll be sure to let you guys know in a blog post. (If you guys wanna know?)

I hope you guys were entertained my this tag. 
Sorry about the middle to end with the fonts, I got lazy..
Let me know what you guys would like to see next! 
Any constructive criticism or helpful suggestions are totally welcome. 
And I would LOVE to hear about YOUR firsts!  


P.s. I'm defiantly not proof reading this before I publish this. #yolo

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