Wednesday, 28 August 2013

A Day in the Life of Me

Hey there! What did you do today? 

Today when I was trying to come up with something to write about, I felt like I was running out of inspiration. So I was going through the events of my day and then I thought, "Hey, Why don't I just blog about what I did today?" Hence what I'm doing right now, haha.

My day began at 8:04am when I woke up to my barking dog alarm as I lay on the tent floor. The barking dogs never fail to wake me up. If you were wondering why I was in a tent refer to my last blog post. I had an appointment at 9am to go change around my school schedule. Running on about five hours asleep I got ready to go to school, I even brushed my teeth. Wow, I'm a giver.

Once I arrived at the school, I quickly remembered the terrible air conditioning that my school has. Like I don't think it should even be considered air conditioning. The temperature outside of the school is the same inside of the school and it feels like +30'C. I think we have a problem. As I start talking to the teacher who is changing the time table around, she informs me that the computer system is down. So my schedule would not me ale to be changed at this time. I'm already loving the  brand new school year.

It's probably like 9:07am now and I make my way back to my friend's tent party. I complained for a while but then we had some really good cinnamon buns with strawberries and chocolate milk. That breakfast made my whole day better. Then I went back home and chilled for a while. The my school called and figured out my schedule via telephone so I wouldn't have to go back there. Woot woot. They are great people, minus the fact that I still don't know which classes I have. I have been told that it all works out now. 

Then at 1pm, I went to the orthodontist to go get my bottom braces. I'm glad I finally got them on. I've only had my top since mid-November. No big deal. The bottom braces hurt way more than the top ever did. Like its not an "I'm dying" pain but it's more like "it's incredibly uncomfortable to eat" pain. Hopefully I can eat normally soon because I like food. 
Adds this next part in 5 minutes later. Also, these bottom braces don't really look like your regular braces. They are at like the very bottom of my teeth and it is thicker in some area. I feel like spider man attacked my bottom teeth.

After that, I just chilled at home some more. I did a quick little shopping trip with my mother to get my friends birthday gift I'm seeing tomorrow. I did some packing as well for my mini road trip to go see this friend. I plan on doing tomorrows blog about my trip and how excited I am. I'll leave some surprises for tomorrow. 

And now I'm in the present moment, I really liked doing this kind of blog. If felt cool reflecting back on my day. I think I'm going to do more of these in the future. What do you think? 


27 Reasons Why I Don't Enjoy Tents

Hey there! Have you been tenting lately? Hopefully your experience went better than mine!

On the 27th if August, two of my good friends and I thought it would be a wonderful idea to go sleep in a tent for the night. It's really not a good idea if it was 33'C throughout the day, the night will be very warm as well. I only ended up getting about five hours of sleep which means I was up for a very long time. While I was up I made a list of why I really don't enjoy tents in general..

27th day of Blogust, 27 Reasons. See what I did there? Haha. I think I'm funny at least.

I'd love to hear about any of your tenting experiences! 
Also if you have and advice, suggestions or anything else to help improve the Corella Blog, I'd be soo happy to hear about your ideas!
Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Really Funny Prank Call

Hey there!  Have you ever prank called anyone? Or have you ever been on the receiving end of it? Either way as long as its light hearted and fun, I believe prank calls are always a good time.

Last night, I was quite bored. I had my phone and my iPad right next to me. My iPad gave me the brilliant idea to prank call some of my friends. This is basically how I spent my entire night.

I would begin the call by asking "Is Mr. or Mrs. Wall home?" 
Then my friends would respond with something along the lines of "no."
Then I would change the wording around a couple more times such as, "Are there any wall residents home?"
By this time my friends just think I'm stupid and they stopped actually listening to what I am saying.
Then I would finally ask, "is there any walls in your home?"
Then most of the time the will say there are no walls here.
I would then start laughing and ask how there ceiling is still up?

I has two friends out of seven fall for it. I'm pretty sure I thought it was way funnier than they did. I had a great time.



Sunday, 25 August 2013

Miley's New Song: Wrecking Ball

Hey there! Have you heard Miley's new song yet? It's probably my favourite yet!

Miley Cyrus has been working on her new album Bangerz for quite some time now. The album will be released on October 8th, 2013. Needless to say, I AM QUITE EXCITED. So far, we have only heard two songs off the album. The first one being We Can't Stop. It has basically been my go to jam all summer. The second song which just so happens to be the newest song to be released is Wrecking Ball. This song is defiantly my favourite out of the two.

Whoops, I took this picture off of google. Please don't hate me.

The song began with this cute piano part which I wasn't expecting since her last single, We Can't Stop, was more pop like. But I was really intrigued by the piano being played. When she started singing I was amazed. I loved this softer side of Miley in the verse. I felt the meaning behind what she was saying rather then just feeling the need to dance. (Which isn't necessarily a bad thing) 
The there was the chorus. The verse perfectly transitioned into the chorus. The chorus had power behind it and I loved it. Like I was in visioning the wrecking ball breaking down the walls as she sang. 

All I could think about throughout the song was that THIS was the Miley I knew and loved. In the past Miley has been quite successful with her more meaningful songs like The Climb. Not that I didn't like being able to jam out to We Can't Stop but it just wasn't the Miley that I loved. Hah, I wonder if that even made sense to any of y'all. 

I was very impressed by this new song and I can't wait to hear the rest of the album! I also want to finally figure out what Bangerz actually means! 
What do YOU think of Wrecking Ball? 


Saturday, 24 August 2013

New Aritzia Leggings!

Hey there! Have you been to Aritzia? I love EVERYTHING there! Especially the leggings..

Since I have been doing a TON of back to school shopping, I knew I had to get more leggings. Like they are basically a necessity. I came into Aritzia and got my first pair for $22.00 and then came back a week later to buy two more pairs. Each were $22.00 as well. I was expecting the price to be much higher hence why I bought three pairs - hehe. Overall, I am super happy with my purchases since they are quality leggings and cheap too! 

Hah I like to keep things interesting and flip the directions of pictures. Perfection is boring.

What do YOU think of Aritzia leggings?


Gold Glittery Nails

Hey there! What do your nails look like? Keep reading to find out what mine are!

Before you look at the photo, I would like to point out that I suck at painting my nails. This is some of my best work!

Like my pajama pants background? 

The brand of nail polish I used was OPI, as you can see the bottle I used below.

My question for you is, how good are you at painting your own nails? I for one am terrible but believe it or not, I am improving! Hopefully I'm not the only one who struggles with this! Haha


Thursday, 22 August 2013

New Shoes!

Hey there! Buy any fancy new shoes lately? Hehe, I sure did!

Since summer is slowly coming to an end and school is starting up again soon, I went back to school shopping. I love shopping. You'll notice in the next couple days I'll have plenty of shopping to blog about. Anyways, here are the two pairs of shoes I got!

I'm going to start with the pair of shoes on the left. I fell in love with the entire Soda shoe selection at the store for their style and structure. What drew me to this particular pair was the colour and texture. I feel like whenever I look down I will think of summer. Plus, my grandma picked them out!

Now on to the pair on the right. I've always liked the way American Eagle footwear looked, especially the patterns. Although, the sides of the shoes are a bit more flimsy than expected but that's okay because they still look super cute! 

I think that both pairs of shoes will be perfect for my back to school needs. They provide closed toe coverage for my feet for science projects and all that wonderful stuff. But they also are very fall and spring like. They are not too summery but not all wintery, which is a very good combination that I like.

I hope you enjoyed my shoe section of my back to school shopping. Expect more back to school shopping post soon!


Wednesday, 21 August 2013

My Teeth Hurt

Hey there! Do your teeth hurt? Mine sure do..

As some of you long term readers know, I have braces. Although I do not have braces on my bottom teeth yet. For now, I have these "spacers" in my teeth and they hurt, a lot.
I'm now coming up with a list of reasons why I don't like these spacers, this was not planned ahead of time. I'm literally making it up. 

1. They are blue
2. They look abnormal compared to my white teeth
3. I can't chew gum
4. The hurt
5. The hurt quite a lot
6. They are noticeable from a distance
7. I don't know their real name
8. They have a weird name
9. I didn't get the option of white spacers
10. Lack of colour options
11. I can't floss in that spot not that I was gonna floss anyways
12. I have a fear of them falling out
13. I have a fear of them not making space so I have to wear them longer to make more space
14. I have to wear them for a week
15. They make it painful to eat
16. It's harder to eat smarties
17. I think the lack of eating due to the spacers will make me malnourished
18. I'm hungry because of them 
19. I want to be able to eat without worrying about braking them or being in pain
20. They suck 
21. I can't focus on anything else except how my teeth hurt, hence this post

I should probably be more grateful due to the face that they are making more space so I don't have to loose a tooth. But the spacers hurt, okay?


Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Happy 21st Birthday Demi Lovato!

Hey there! Today for Day Twenty of Blogust we are going to be celebrating Demi Lovato's 21st Birthday!! 

First off, I feel like we should all take a moment to sing Happy Birthday to Demi as a gift since she has always sang to us. 
*read the following as if you were singing it in your head*
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Demetria Lovato,
*you may keep singing the rest if you wish to*

if I did the math correctly, Demi was born August 20th, 1992. A day that changed all of our lives or the better. Demi has continued to inspire me in many ways since I first discovered her on Camp Rock. I remember my older sister was counting down the days until Camp Rock aired and then she forced me to watch it. I'm sure glad she did!

Since then I have been following Demi just about everywhere. Including but not limited to Sonny With a Chance, Camp Rock 2, and The X Factor. Not to forget all of the videos I have watched on Youtube of her performances, appearances and interviews. And Her music, oh her music. I can never get it out of my head. There's just something that's so addictive about Demi Lovato.
OH, did I mention that Demi Lovato is rumoured to be on Glee? BRB WHILE I GO CRY OF PURE JOY!

As you can tell from the picture above, Demi is currently having a blast spending her birthday in Africa. But seriously, Demi is spending her 21st birthday in Africa. How great is she?!?! She is spending HER day helping others. She is a true inspiration. 

Demi has always been a role model to me. She went through a rough time in her life but she didn't let that defeat her. She used those experiences to better herself and better others as well. Some day I want to be just like Demi. Not in the famous aspect but in the sense that she is always inspiring others without realizing it. In fact, she is inspiring me right now.

Has Demi inspired YOU? I'd love to hear all about it!


Monday, 19 August 2013

Megan&Liz's New Song: In the Shadows Tonight

Hey there! Have you guys heard of the youtube sensations Megan&Liz? Well you are about to!

Megan and Liz are twin singers who became famous via Youtube. I have been following them since way back in the day when they were just singing in the kitchen using a webcam. I love watching how far they have come. 

They have this new song called In The Shadows Tonight. I really like this song because I feel like there's a lot of meaning behind it. The music video is also a very good different from their usual which I loved seeing. The girls also look especially pretty in this video with their darker style. 
 I highly suggest you guys go check the song out! It's definitely one of my new favourites!

On a side note, the photo above is from when my iPad wouldn't load. It stopped at a very attractive frame of the two girls. I had a good laugh! 

Have YOU listened to their new song? What did YOU think? I'd love to hear!


P.S. If you liked there video, you should go subscribe to their Youtube channel which is Meganandliz.

I Made Cookies!

Hey there! Would you consider yourself a good baker? I did too, until I tasted these cookies I made..

The purpose behind these cookies were that my mother asked me to make them of my younger brother and his friends. I kindly agreed. The ingredients that I were using seemed a little outdated but they looked find. Here's how the cookies looked! 

Basically, these chocolate chip cookies looked pretty solid but were lacking in taste. I don't believe I added enough sugar because they didn't taste very sweet. As I mentioned before, the ingredients in general were questionable in age, so they were most likely an additional factor to the awful taste.

Have YOU ever messed up while baking? I'd love to hear about it!


17 Reasons Why I Don't Talk To Boys

Hey there! Have you talked to any boys recently? If you are like me and haven't, you can probably think of a few reasons why. I came up with seventeen reasons why for my seventeenth day of Blogust!

Hah notice how it says August 19, I'm also very late.. Maybe that's a turnoff? 

Well those were just some of the reason I don't talk to boys. I'm sure there are plenty more that I will come across soon. Reading this over, I feel like I really need to get out there more.. 

Do YOU have any reasons why you don't talk to your gender that your are attracted to?
I'd love to here them to make me feel less lame! 


Cute Bracelet Design

Hey there! Are you being productive lately? I actually was, I made a bracelet! 
Haha I'm still behind in the days of Blogust but whatever, yolo!

While I was on vacation, I visited my grandmother. She goes through a lot of hobbies. One of the hobbies was beads. She has a giant collection of beads and she let me make whatever I wanted using any of her collection. Here is what I ended up making!

I followed the same pattern throughout the entire bracelet consisting of dark navy colours. As an accent I used a sparkle filled, navy sphere on the ends. Overall I believe I made a well balanced bracelet and I am quite proud of it. I actually plan on wearing it to!

What do YOU think of my bracelet? Are YOU interested in jewelary?
I'd love to here what you have to say!


Sunday, 18 August 2013

Sharknado: The Ultimate Plot Twist

Hey there! Watch any fancy movies lately? I WATCHED SHARKNADO!

(I'm totally aware that I suck and am behind in days, refer to Day Fourteen.)

For any of you guys who haven't watched Sharknado, I'm not going to completely ruin this plot twist for you. I will not be saying any of the characters names. So when you watch it later, you will know what your expecting but you won't know who your expecting it from. Your welcome.

Now to the plot twist. The man was holding a chainsaw but then was swallowed by a shark. I thought this man was dead but then the man proceeded to cut his way out through the shark. This man was alive after being swallowed by a shark. Then to my complete surprise, he brings out a woman who was previously swallowed by a shark. 

That was just craziness. I couldn't handle it. I did not see any of this coming. I thought they were both dead. What are the odds that it was the same shark that ate the both? I'm just still overwhelmed by this plot twist.  

What did YOU think of Sharknado's plot twist?


Guess Who Never Saved Her Last Blog?

Hey there! Forget anything lately? Well I sure I have a story for you.. 

If you have been following me throughout my month of Blogust, you would have realized that I have been absent lately. This is because I was on a 2 day road trip back to my house and there was no wifi. And for the other days, I was just too lazy to officially post the blogs. I did write them, I swear! 

Today I was about to post my Day Fourteen blogpost but then midway through I got distracted and had to go run some errands. But silly old Corella here forgot to press the save button before she turned off her IPad. Now her beautiful post is now gone. I feel the need to talk about myself in third person because sad about my loss, okay? 

After loosing my hard work, I have learned a couple things. Firstly, always save your work. Secondly, if you were to stay on task and not get distracted, you wouldn't have lost your work in the first place. 

Basically, always press save or your life will suck. 
Now my Day Fourteen post will become my Day Fifteen post because I feel the need to complain.

Have YOU ever lost your work? 


Tuesday, 13 August 2013

My Love of Nutella

Hey there! Eat anything beautiful lately? I sure have!

In the last week I have developed a passionate love for Nutella. Up until now, I have refused to eat Nutella simply because my sister enjoyed it. I had always believed my sister had awful taste, hence why I never ate Nutella. I was so young and wrong then.
Now I am putting Nutella on everything. I started out just putting it on bread like an ordinary person. Then I moved on to fruit and debating even putting it on chips. The last time I ate Nutella it was just simply out of the Jair. I have a serious problem.

This is what heaven would be if it was a food.

Basically, the point of this post is to spread the word of Nutella. It is a beautiful thing but it is also addictions. Give it a try! Unless you are allergic. Then it's not worth it. Although it will taste delicious. I was also wondering if anyone else has the same problem as me. The problem as in my addiction to it. I actually can't sleep or write a normal blog post without thinking about Nutella. Hence why I made this one -haha. 

What do you think about Nutella? 
I love hearing about Nutella. 


P.S. Corella and Nutella pretty much rhyme. I did not even plan that when I made Corella. This was meant to be.

Monday, 12 August 2013

How do I feel about

Hey there! How've you been lately? Great, I hope!

Lately, I've been noticing a new type of social network is been getting more and more popular. This newly popular social network is . Basically it allows you to ask questions to a persons account either having your name available or on anon mode. (Short for Anonymous, I believe) It gives you the opportunity to ask the questions that you wouldn't ask in real human interaction life.

To me, one of the only positives of Ask is for me to get a good laugh out of my friends by asking silly questions on anon. An example would be "Do you consider yourself a professional yoloer?" That friend would instantly know it was from me because I'm pretty much the only person who still uses yolo. There was no harm in that, it was fun.

To me, having an Ask account is just asking for attention. At first it will be the funny, positive, inside joke attention from your friends. Then there will be the occasional actual curious person who is just wanting to know how you do something. The rest of the people are just negative Anons who want to ask inappropriate questions. The questions you will get could range from slightly not nice to completely unreasonable. Once you make you account, you are asking for anyone to ask you any question. The possibilities are endless. But once you get a question you don't like, it is nearly impossible for you to figure out who sent it. Ask no longer makes you have an account to ask the questions, you'll never know who sent it to you. That personally freaks me out.

I have never had an ask account, I probably never will make a personal account. The vast majority of the people who I know who have account, wishes the never made it. I think that says something. 

THIS IS IN NO WAY SAYING THAT YOU SHOULD NEVER GO ON ASK.FM. Use it as you wish. If you have a good head on your shoulders and use the website like it was meant to, go ahead. It will be as good as you make it.

This was just my opinion on, I'd love to hear yours! 
To each their own :) 


Sunday, 11 August 2013


Hey there! How was your day? Today was a very special day for all the Zalfie fans or just me. I'm excited to talk about the official Zalfie announcement for the eleventh day of Blogust.

For all you who have no clue what I'm talking about when I refer to Zalfie. It is a combination of the names Zoe and Alfie. Zoe and Alfie are well known on youtube for there account Zoella and PointlessBlog. 

(Zoe left, Alfie right) 

I have been following these youtube sensations for quite some time now. In fact, Zoella has had quite the influence on me. Corella and Zoella, get it? Today, when they announced that they were together, needless to say I was excited. 

I did not create this but it describes perfectly how I feel and how many other Zalfie shippers feel.

Once again I must say how happy I am for them to be in a relationship together. The way they announced their relationship to the online world was through Zoella's blog. Basically they clarified that Zoe and Alfie were a real life thing but the youtube channels, Zoella and Pointless Blog, were not couple channels. I feel that is the perfect decision. I remember when I first began watching Zoella for her bubbly personality and beauty advice. I watched PointlessBlog because he never failed to make me laugh. I watched the videos because they were quality, not because of Zalfie. 

To get my point across, I'm so happy for Zalfie but I'm glad their channels are not involved. 
Although I am looking forward to the occasional vlog :)

What are your thoughts on Zalfie?
Let me know what you think!


Saturday, 10 August 2013

To whoever created 5ever..

Hey there! Suuuuup? Woah, it's the tenth day of Blogust. What whaaat?

Now that it's the tenth day, the only way to celebrate would be to thank you guys by making you laugh. Or at least what I think will make you laugh. Make me laugh anyways.

To whoever created 5 ever, you are hilarious. You make me laugh every time I see 5ever. It's more that 4 ever. It's the real deal. Thanks for going on a limb and being creative. You created a concept that provides me with happiness and joy. U da best.

I love you guys 5ever for reading my blog 😘


Sister's Birthday

Hey there! I'm late again but that's okay because I have yolo swag.

On August ninth, it was my sisters birthday. For her birthday we just had a nice, little family get together and had a barbecue. Afterwards, we got together with some friends and had a memorable evening. Lets just say we no longer have a tricycle. I'm not allowed to tell that story.

For my sisters gift, It had three parts.
First, I got her a lollypop from the candy store. My sister likes candy and that's simply why I got it for her. 
Secondly, I presented her with a bracelet. It was her favourite shade of blue. I got it from a random sidewalk shop and I thought it was super cute!
Thirdly, I got her a lighter. That sounds bad. I got the lighter from the candy shop. It's a prank lighter. When you squeeze it, water comes out. We had a memorable time using it.

That was my summary of what I got my sister for her birthday. I was planning to have pictures of it all, but unfortunately I forgot. You guys just have to use your imagination. 

Thanks for reading! 


Thursday, 8 August 2013

Does your brother snore too?

Hey there? How'd you sleep last night? Hopefully you got enough rest for the both of us!

I am currently staying at my little cottage with the rest of my family for a much needed vacation. The vacation is very relaxing throughout the day but during the night, not so much. As I said before, the cottage is very small. I share a room with my older brother. He gets the bottom bunk and I get the top. It seemed like a good deal at the time because I don't really mind sharing. Little did I know he has a snoring problem and a gas problem. Every night for the past 11 nights I have put up with his problems.
Once he falls asleep, he snores quite loudly. When there is a pause in the snoring, I know to prepare for the worst. That is when he passes gas. It's been a lovely 11 nights and I am looking forward to the 12th night tonight. *sarcasm implied*

To conclude, I love my brother, I love vacation but I just wish I had more sleep. I miss it.

Thanks for putting up with my complaining!



Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Anti-Boyfriend Tag

Hey there! How's life going? Hopefully it's going great, you deserve it. Whether you are single (like me) or not it always a good idea to reflect on what you would like in a relationship. Which is why I thought it would be a perfect idea to do the Anti-Boyfriend Tag which I stole from meganheartsmakeup's youtube channel. Plus tags are always a good time!

1. What is one (most important) quality you look for in guys?
Humour. The guy needs a really good and open sense of humour. He needs to be able to accept and laugh at all my weird jokes. At first when you meet me you think I'm just a normal girl who laughs a lot. But then once you get to actually know me you'll just get why I find some things so funny. If a guy can't be able to laugh with me, he's not the one for me.

2. What quality is a turn off?
When he has no ambition and is a constant partier. It's okay if you don't know what you want to do in the future but if you choose to have no future that's where you go wrong with me. If you are going to parties all of the time, that just doesn't sit right with me. I need someone who's just okay with just relaxing around sometimes. Not that occasional partying is bad either. Just I want a good balance, you know?

3. What physical feature do you notice on the opposite sex first? 
To be honest, I notice whether he thinks I'm funny or not before I consider him. Physical feature wise I guess I should have to say hair. I like it when it's curly. There's just something about curly hair that I like but it's not a deal breaker!!

4. Describe your dream date. 
I've never been on a date before so it's never really crossed my mind. I'm going to really use my imagination now. It would be the last day before spring break, the Friday. We would still have that buzz from just finishing and having a blast during spirit week. We would be in the perfect happy mood. Right after school we would hop in his truck and go somewhere for a picnic. It would be simple yet though out, just the two of us spending time together is all I really would want. Maybe after we would go meet up with a group of friends and have a great start to spring break.

5. Who would your celebrity boyfriend be?
My real celebrity boyfriend would be Zac Efron. I've loved him since High School Musical.
My youtube boyfriend would be Alfie Deyes. He is a hilarious guy. But I'd ship him and Zoe over me any day. 

6. What is your relationship "deal breaker?" (Something you might end the relationship because of)
Cheating. Cheating is something that should never be tolerated. Trust is something that needs to be there. If its not, your done for.

7. What is your relationship "deal maker?" (Something you would like a guy to do in a relationship)
The guy asking me out in a way that makes me know he thought about it. Just a regular "will you go out with me?" Is perfectly acceptable. It would mean a lot to me if he did it in a blog post or sang me my favourite song or just something special and different.

8. What eye and hair colour do you prefer? 
I really don't like someone just because of their appearance but if I had to choose I'd choose brown eyes and brown hair. I just like the colour brown today.

9. He buys you a gift. What would it be?
Something that has to do with an inside joke we made. If a guy got me something with a story that made send behind it, it would be the world to me. The other week a guy whose like my brother gave me a box of smarties. It meant a lot to me even though it was just a chocolate bar.

10. Would you say you had a type? If so, what is your type? 
I wouldn't say I have a type because I've never had a boyfriend yet. But I do tend to lean towards the more cute, smart, dorky, funny guys over the more popular athletic guys. It's a personality thing for me.

I hope you enjoyed this tag, I sure did a lot of reflecting in it! What do you look for in a partner? 
And to my future boyfriend, use this to your advantage! Haha

Thanks for reading! If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!



Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Good Guy Greg is my Faaaaave

Hey there! For the sixth day of Blogust I'm going to show you six of my favourite Good Guy Greg memes. 

Good Guy Greg is a meme is a guy who just goes the extra mile to be good but just happens to be smoking in the pictures. My sense of humour isn't exactly considered clean for some of my readers. Keep going at your own discretion. Also, for those who don't know what a meme is, it is basically just a picture with text on it sent from one person to another. They are usually funny. I would also like to state that I did not make any of them and I just took the ones with claimers on the corner off of google. Enjoy! 

That would be the best conversation ever, I want to talk to Greg.

If anyone ever did that for me, I would be forever grateful. Like that has never happened to me yet.

This basically goes out to anyone who reads my blog. I love you guys. 

I don't know whether I should be happy when my cat does that or disgusted. Either way I don't have clean it up.

I'm pretty sure this is how anyone who talks to me more than once feels. Ily all.

THANK YOU GREG, you would be the best wingman ever.

I just discovered Good Guy Greg today and I can already tell he will be in my life for a very long time. I hope you guys got a little chuckle or two out of this. I know I did.

Let me know what you think if Greg! Or if you know of any other meme's that are this hilarious!
Any if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

Thanks for reading!



I Got My Nails Done By a 12 Year Old

Hey there! I'm late again but YOLO 

In mid afternoon of August 5th, a wonderful 12 year old girl offered to do my nails. I gratefully accepted because I am way to lazy to do my own. She is a true gem.

In the picture above you can see my newly painted nails. They are a beautiful blue with a cute little pink design in the thumb. Overall I was very pleased with how my nails turned out. Although my iPad camera just wasn't in the mood to take some quality pictures. 

What do your nails look like? I'd love to see?



Sunday, 4 August 2013

My Favourite Emoticons

Hey there lovely! How are ya doin'? Excuse my lack of grammar but today could possibly be a fail of a blog post. I plan on doing it on my favourite emoticons or emoji's as some may call it. However I do not know, so lets experiment on Day 4 of Blogust! 

I'm going to pick ten emoji's that I particularly like and then say why I enjoy them. This could be fun or it could be a complete waste of time. I'm going to be optimistic and say this will be fun because IT WILL BE.

1. πŸŽ‰ This allows me to celebrate. I celebrate a lot. Whether I have the smallest or largest accomplishment πŸŽ‰ is always there to cheer me on.

2. πŸ˜‚ This is how I feel every time I see something that's funny. When I laugh I get a huge smile and I usually start crying of laughter. πŸ˜‚ Represents me multiple times throughout the day.

3. πŸ™Œ I just started using this one today. πŸ™Œ Is so optimistic. It makes me feel like whatever I'm talking about is magic. I felt quite magical today πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

4.πŸ’… Although it only has three fingers,I feel it represents me painting my nails quite well. I use it whenever I am doing my nails, people seem to get what I'm talking about when I just put πŸ’… instead of typing "I'm about to do my nails, so I will reply when dry!" 

5. πŸ˜„ I just like it because my eyes do that when I smile too.

6. πŸŒ… This sunset is my favourite scenery one. It's so pretty and I love sky. So it automatically has my attention.

7. 😎 Whenever I am feeling rebellious, I use it. I am quite rebellious, so I 😎 a lot.

8. 🍫This can really pass for any chocolate bar. It's versatile which is good. I eat a lot of chocolate bars so it is a well needed and well used emoji. 

9. πŸ˜’ This how I feel on the inside when I'm pretending to be happy. So on the outside I'm all πŸ˜„ but really I'm πŸ˜’. I'll be texting my friends in a social situation πŸ˜’. By texting I mean using my iPad, I have a blackberry. I can't use those, I think...πŸ˜’

10. In all honesty I couldn't pick a ten. So I thought I'd just use all the ones that I considered and provide no explanation. It's up to you to use your imagination.. πŸ’šπŸ‘πŸ™ˆπŸ˜ŠπŸ“¬✨☎πŸ˜˜πŸ™‰πŸ™ŠπŸ˜ΉπŸ™€πŸ˜΄

I hope you enjoyed my favourite emoticons, if you were able to see them. 
If you were wondering, the app I use is called Emoji's 2. I believe it is anyways.

Thanks for reading, I'd love to hear your opinions or suggestions! 

