Sunday, 18 August 2013

Sharknado: The Ultimate Plot Twist

Hey there! Watch any fancy movies lately? I WATCHED SHARKNADO!

(I'm totally aware that I suck and am behind in days, refer to Day Fourteen.)

For any of you guys who haven't watched Sharknado, I'm not going to completely ruin this plot twist for you. I will not be saying any of the characters names. So when you watch it later, you will know what your expecting but you won't know who your expecting it from. Your welcome.

Now to the plot twist. The man was holding a chainsaw but then was swallowed by a shark. I thought this man was dead but then the man proceeded to cut his way out through the shark. This man was alive after being swallowed by a shark. Then to my complete surprise, he brings out a woman who was previously swallowed by a shark. 

That was just craziness. I couldn't handle it. I did not see any of this coming. I thought they were both dead. What are the odds that it was the same shark that ate the both? I'm just still overwhelmed by this plot twist.  

What did YOU think of Sharknado's plot twist?


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