Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Really Funny Prank Call

Hey there!  Have you ever prank called anyone? Or have you ever been on the receiving end of it? Either way as long as its light hearted and fun, I believe prank calls are always a good time.

Last night, I was quite bored. I had my phone and my iPad right next to me. My iPad gave me the brilliant idea to prank call some of my friends. This is basically how I spent my entire night.

I would begin the call by asking "Is Mr. or Mrs. Wall home?" 
Then my friends would respond with something along the lines of "no."
Then I would change the wording around a couple more times such as, "Are there any wall residents home?"
By this time my friends just think I'm stupid and they stopped actually listening to what I am saying.
Then I would finally ask, "is there any walls in your home?"
Then most of the time the will say there are no walls here.
I would then start laughing and ask how there ceiling is still up?

I has two friends out of seven fall for it. I'm pretty sure I thought it was way funnier than they did. I had a great time.



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