Thursday, 8 August 2013

Does your brother snore too?

Hey there? How'd you sleep last night? Hopefully you got enough rest for the both of us!

I am currently staying at my little cottage with the rest of my family for a much needed vacation. The vacation is very relaxing throughout the day but during the night, not so much. As I said before, the cottage is very small. I share a room with my older brother. He gets the bottom bunk and I get the top. It seemed like a good deal at the time because I don't really mind sharing. Little did I know he has a snoring problem and a gas problem. Every night for the past 11 nights I have put up with his problems.
Once he falls asleep, he snores quite loudly. When there is a pause in the snoring, I know to prepare for the worst. That is when he passes gas. It's been a lovely 11 nights and I am looking forward to the 12th night tonight. *sarcasm implied*

To conclude, I love my brother, I love vacation but I just wish I had more sleep. I miss it.

Thanks for putting up with my complaining!



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