Wednesday, 28 August 2013

A Day in the Life of Me

Hey there! What did you do today? 

Today when I was trying to come up with something to write about, I felt like I was running out of inspiration. So I was going through the events of my day and then I thought, "Hey, Why don't I just blog about what I did today?" Hence what I'm doing right now, haha.

My day began at 8:04am when I woke up to my barking dog alarm as I lay on the tent floor. The barking dogs never fail to wake me up. If you were wondering why I was in a tent refer to my last blog post. I had an appointment at 9am to go change around my school schedule. Running on about five hours asleep I got ready to go to school, I even brushed my teeth. Wow, I'm a giver.

Once I arrived at the school, I quickly remembered the terrible air conditioning that my school has. Like I don't think it should even be considered air conditioning. The temperature outside of the school is the same inside of the school and it feels like +30'C. I think we have a problem. As I start talking to the teacher who is changing the time table around, she informs me that the computer system is down. So my schedule would not me ale to be changed at this time. I'm already loving the  brand new school year.

It's probably like 9:07am now and I make my way back to my friend's tent party. I complained for a while but then we had some really good cinnamon buns with strawberries and chocolate milk. That breakfast made my whole day better. Then I went back home and chilled for a while. The my school called and figured out my schedule via telephone so I wouldn't have to go back there. Woot woot. They are great people, minus the fact that I still don't know which classes I have. I have been told that it all works out now. 

Then at 1pm, I went to the orthodontist to go get my bottom braces. I'm glad I finally got them on. I've only had my top since mid-November. No big deal. The bottom braces hurt way more than the top ever did. Like its not an "I'm dying" pain but it's more like "it's incredibly uncomfortable to eat" pain. Hopefully I can eat normally soon because I like food. 
Adds this next part in 5 minutes later. Also, these bottom braces don't really look like your regular braces. They are at like the very bottom of my teeth and it is thicker in some area. I feel like spider man attacked my bottom teeth.

After that, I just chilled at home some more. I did a quick little shopping trip with my mother to get my friends birthday gift I'm seeing tomorrow. I did some packing as well for my mini road trip to go see this friend. I plan on doing tomorrows blog about my trip and how excited I am. I'll leave some surprises for tomorrow. 

And now I'm in the present moment, I really liked doing this kind of blog. If felt cool reflecting back on my day. I think I'm going to do more of these in the future. What do you think? 


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